For all of you who reside in the wonderful country of Oz (or one of its neighbouring countries of equal awesomeness) you will today find yourself turning to your media outlet of choice only to be instantly bombarded with the words "GOOD FRIDAY".
For all of you who are religiously inclined you will be aware that today is a pretty the big man's little kid gave it all up for we celebrate the almighty equivalent of the diggers or soldiers doing their thing for their people. I myself have one foot (at least) firmly planted in the ground that represents "Oh-so-not-religious" yet nevertheless today still always manages to put a stopper to my skepticism.
In Melbourne (my charming little village) today is big for another reason. Today, as there is every year, a telethon is held to raise and support funds for an amazing kids hospital that does countless good deeds and saves many many that not in itself some kind of modern day miracle? People all bounding together to phone in to a tv station that by all definitions is not at all very good, in order to give money, lots of it, to children from all around the world who come to this city to retrieve medical treatment free of prejudice, misconduct or illtreatment.
I think so, yes.
So even in our most twisted modernised way of simply picking up a phone, we are performing miracles...sure its not as fancy as turning a bottle of Mount Franklin into a nice red to go with dinner but it works for me.
What is it that your dear author is doing today on this most holy of days then?
Going to work...yep, the most sacreligious act of all, not stopping to say cheers for the efforts and good will of the man that is plastered all over my grandmothers kitchen wall. And as odd as it is, especially for a person that is as previously mentioned quite a large fan of being non-committal to religion, I feel bad.
Yet off to work I trot anyhow, but if someone in Melbourne gets the chance, would you mind pledging some dosh to the hospital for me? I promise to pay you back....
Katherine Elizabeth
8 years ago
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