Tuesday, April 27, 2010

oh gosh!

Well this is getting very exciting indeed!

My brains taste buds are tingling with the eating up of all the awesome things I have seen over the last few hours. The research has begun, the hard-core, in-depth investigation of all things lovely and creative and pretty and tasty is leaving me numb with glee!

I have spoken to a web designer (conveniently a good mate) and we will be meeting at some point soon to compare ideas and business goals for the concept. I have been assessing the vast and plentiful competition..which gives me feelings of both doubt and hope but I am happy with my ideas and hopefully you will all love them as much as I do...more hints as to the nature of this beast when I know myself!

(9 weeks and 6 days until departure!)


Katherine Elizabeth

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Lightbulb moment..

For those of you who read the last update you will recall a spontaneous silly throw away reference I made to making this blog my passion, for those of you who didn't read it, I am waggling my finger at you and thinking "Tut tut tut"!

It did make me think though, and last night while lying in bed it struck me..

why not?

Two simple words that caused a greater fear and excitement to surge through my body than the time at the Black Keys gig at the Palace when I swore Dan looked right at me..

I'm a rather opinionated person, I have loads of interests and I am already a member of rather large amount of social/culteral newsletters and websites, so why couldn't I strive to take this to the next level forming my very own commentary of all the things I love around the world?

In 11 weeks I leave for Greece, the first stop of my European Misadventure. So this is a formal invitation to the open house party that is my mind and my life. Please feel free to inform your friends that I will slowly but surely find a way throughout all of my little ups and downs to entertain and enlighten them with the "hots" and "nots" of each little town I visit, the very beginning to my cultural guide of the world!

Athens meets My Imagination

Date: 5/07/10
Time: Dusk
Address: Right here

I look forward to seeing you all there.


Katherine Elizabeth

Monday, April 19, 2010

What to do?

I know it has been far too long between posts but my mind has been somewhat preoccupied over the last week. Do any of you out there ever find yourself staring off into oblivion in the middle of the afternoon wondering "What the hell am I going to do with my life?"

Well for me that seems to be everyday lately, I sit out the back at work reading and such only to have my brain interrupted at random intervals with the daunting screeching sound of my proposed career coming to a blinding halt before it has even started.

Next week is my graduation ceremony, I get to wear the one-size-fits-all robe and the snazzy little motor board that makes even the petite-est of ears look like Mr. Spocks and as much as all of this gives me a nice warm and fuzzy I am horrified of that goddamn piece of paper. As soon as the random significant academic of choice hands me that degree it will become official, I will be a university graduate working a casual job in an industry that has nothing to do with her degree. Sure I am saving to travel (like all good stereotypical 20-somethings sponging off the luxury of still living at home) but honestly..how long can I continue to fool myself?

So I am throwing it out there universe...CAN YOU HEAR ME?! Good...because I will endeavor to only ask this once (repetition may occur)...


According to all the self-help gurus that keep appearing more and more on my beloved day time tv shows "Everyone is good at something, find your passion and make it your life"....Bullshit..

I find that I am good at many things not just one...unfortunately so is nearly everyone else in this city...so how do you stand out? Do I even want to get into the entertainment industry anymore? Should I find out before my graduation..I'm sure my lecturers would love to know if they wasted 3 years on me..hopefully not...maybe I should try and find a lovely financial backer for this blog..I could start advertising my favourite web-comics/magazines/movies etc. Who knows, maybe one day you will see a Frankie banner across the top of an official "Katherine Elizabeth: Social Commentator" website...

But..for now, as always I will remain doing what I do everyday.

Trying to take over the world!

No Pinky not that..just writing my blog and doing very average everyday stuff like most people.


Katherine Elizabeth

Friday, April 9, 2010

So..here's the dealio

For the last few days I have been starring at my computer screen (mostly in my brain because I haven't had it physically in front of me) trying to figure out how the hell to write a "more about me" style blog. Not daily wanky drivel but an actual insight as to what I am like as a person...

Apparently part of me must be disturbingly in love with myself because I am assuming that you would even find a blog related entirely to myself as interesting...

So for this entry I drop all use of the third person, no pretentious views on my surroundings, just a few notes about myself for the one avid reader I have..big cheers out to "Audrey"....Emily look I gave you a code name...feel special?

I shall begin with the statistics...I am 21 years old, living at home with my relatively functional mixed family. In the eyes of the law I am "single", however I have been dating the most wonderful boy for just over 2 years now and I feel like noting that he is rather spunky. I am currently in a position of casual employment at an ice cream shop, a catering company, and quite a good university in the Melbourne CBD.

Besides work and love and family, the largest thing in my life (this year) is my journey over the big blue sea to the land of beer, chocolate, museums, cultural events and Harry Potter.

That's right...I am going to Europe

I leave in July and will be away "discovering myself" for four months, luckily I will be traveling with three of my most lovable lovelies who thankfully will be able to tell me when I have discovered too much of myself...no one needs to know that much about myself I'm sure..even myself..how often do I use the words me/myself/I?? TOO MANY TIMES!!!

It is currently 9:50pm on Friday night and I quite seriously have come to a complete mental blank and I cant be bothered finishing this poetically..I am tired...I have been working lots...leave me alone with my poor grammar..


Katherine Elizabeth

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Lovely realisations...

Have you ever had such strong feelings towards another person (either good or very bad), and having had them so long, found it very difficult to change them no matter what may happen?

Today I have had my minds changed about two different people, all of whom have played rather significant roles in my life.

The first has been a friend for many years, a boy who has covered all aspects of my life..teenage crush, teenage boyfriend, best friend, brother and psychologist. Over the last little while it would seem I have been a bit of a spoiled prick and for whatever reasons we have, we have been a tad distant. Tonight was wonderful. We had cuddles, we laughed, we joked like old times and for the first time in a very long time, I feel like I have one of my best friends right back where they should be, holding my hand.

The other is a lady who has been in my life on and off for the last 6 or 7 years. We have been through rough patches, we have antagonized and bitched to our individual hearts contents..well at least I have. Yet today I was confronted with an offer of generosity and kindness that shocked me more than I can say.

I'm not sure if it's because it's easter and we are all just crazy happy with our annual fill of chocolate but today helped me put a lot of things in perspective. The one saying in the world that is so true to this story is quite simply...

"Never judge a book by its cover"

I know it's is a little stupid but after being a stroppy cow for the last few months I just wanted to take stock and fully appreciate who I have in my life. I whinge constantly about money, travel, work, friends and family (and I probably will much more before this blog is finished at the end of the year), but today none of it matters because I am totally content :)

For the moment...

Happy Easter!

Yours Sincerely,

Katherine Elizabeth

Saturday, April 3, 2010

That is the question...

Today I find myself asking a question that chills me to the bones..

To be selfish or selfless?

This is not a question asked lightly. It has the ability to hurt and hinder even the strongest of Schwarzenegger's yet holds the glowing hint of possibility and happiness. The juggling act between these two options riddles me today. After a lovely night of wine (inspired by my witty Jesus reference yesterday), and silly movies with three of the most delightful loved ones a person could come across I found myself being bitch slapped by the pimp hand of doubt and intrigue over many of lifes little problems.

It seems to me that the answer to life, or at least life at the moment, lies somewhere in that question. The horrifying part comes with the decision you make, and unfortunately as always I am going with procrastination, avoiding the inevitable moment of sheer terror that is "a grown up choice"...

To assist me I find solace in Easter eggs...somewhat more delicious than normal chocolate, even though it is the exact same brand. I assume it is the eggy shape that makes them extra tasty.


Katherine Elizabeth

Friday, April 2, 2010

Hmm sacreligious..

For all of you who reside in the wonderful country of Oz (or one of its neighbouring countries of equal awesomeness) you will today find yourself turning to your media outlet of choice only to be instantly bombarded with the words "GOOD FRIDAY".

For all of you who are religiously inclined you will be aware that today is a pretty large...today the big man's little kid gave it all up for us...today we celebrate the almighty equivalent of the diggers or soldiers doing their thing for their people. I myself have one foot (at least) firmly planted in the ground that represents "Oh-so-not-religious" yet nevertheless today still always manages to put a stopper to my skepticism.

In Melbourne (my charming little village) today is big for another reason. Today, as there is every year, a telethon is held to raise and support funds for an amazing kids hospital that does countless good deeds and saves many many lives...is that not in itself some kind of modern day miracle? People all bounding together to phone in to a tv station that by all definitions is not at all very good, in order to give money, lots of it, to children from all around the world who come to this city to retrieve medical treatment free of prejudice, misconduct or illtreatment.

I think so, yes.

So even in our most twisted modernised way of simply picking up a phone, we are performing miracles...sure its not as fancy as turning a bottle of Mount Franklin into a nice red to go with dinner but it works for me.

What is it that your dear author is doing today on this most holy of days then?

Going to work...yep, the most sacreligious act of all, not stopping to say cheers for the efforts and good will of the man that is plastered all over my grandmothers kitchen wall. And as odd as it is, especially for a person that is as previously mentioned quite a large fan of being non-committal to religion, I feel bad.

Yet off to work I trot anyhow, but if someone in Melbourne gets the chance, would you mind pledging some dosh to the hospital for me? I promise to pay you back....


Katherine Elizabeth

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A Little Birdy Told Me...

Once upon a time there was a girl. Bursting fresh and new from her 21st birthday she decided it was about time to figure out what the heck she wanted to do with her life. The only problem, (being a rather large one) she didn't have a single clue. She had an inkling as to what industry she would flourish in (as she had just finished a three year degree with rather wonderful grades) but was yet to find the perfect entrance into it. So she decided to run away...not geographically as a small child wanting to grab the closest backpack, a teddy bear, a pair of boots and an apple might do...but emotionally. She decided she was not ready to enter the world of grown ups...the world were class mates around her were gaining positions in exciting and lucrative jobs...damn them...but instead remain impervious to the scary reality of "the real world" that youths are so often condemned to after being announced by society as "adult".

So what is it that this stunning yet incredibly modest young women decided to do you ask?

Why remain in the casual work force with dreams of a larger vision in Europe of course...unfortunately as life so often has it..obstacles do occur...and that my dear friends, family, and random lonely inter-web readers is what we shall be discussing in my brand new project of procrastination..Katherine Elizabeth Vs 2010...please refrain from judgment and speculation.


Katherine Elizabeth